Status Week Twenty Nine 2010

 LORD, I thank You for directing my steps and for guarding my heart.

 Amazing grace how sweet the sound. Grace that saved me. Grace that sustains me. His grace still amazes me.

 God's grace is sufficient...I can say/share that from experience.

You saved my soul...You saved my life out of the waters...You helped me when I couldn't help myself...You are truly my Lord, Jesus, of all of me.

Day One-My Prayer

Meditate on, pray upon God's Word, I want/need/desire to meditate upon Your Word…faith is absolute commitment, I want/need/desire to walk by faith, be absolutely committed to You…love is the  motivation, I want/need/desire to love You more, with ALL my heart, and for my love for You to be the motivation for ALL that I do. Father, thank You for not leaving me alone,an orphan, for adopting me into Your forever family, for being my Abba, for giving me/filling me with the gift of Your Holy Spirit. This day, moment by moment absolutely committed unto You…motivated by love for You which ultimately comes from You, I want to serve You, love You, trust You with ALL my heart, with ALL I am, ALL I have…today, moment by moment, I need ALL that You are filling me, flowing in/through me by/through the Holy Spirit living/abiding in me…I need to be aware of Your constant companionship/presence…I need You and Your counsel, be my Counselor…I need Your comfort, be my Comforter…I neeed Your guidance, be my Guide…I need Your help, be my Helper…I need Your intercession, be my intercessor…I need Your leadership, be my Leader-lead me in the way I should go…I need to be taught, be my Teacher, teach me what I need to know for You alone know the mind and will of the Father…I want/need/desire to know/do the will of the Father, reveal it to me…I need strength, strengthen me…today, this moment, moment by moment I surrender and yield ALL to You…fill me with ALL You are, flow fully/freely in/through me I pray in Jesus' Name, amen.

Riding The Storm Out

  Scripture     Acts 27:20 Now when neither sun nor stars appeared for many days, and no small tempest beat on us, all hope that we would ...